Thanks to the generous support of the donors listed below,* we’ve secured $4.1M in campaign commitments.


Corporate Tax Credits

Bio X Cell
Coldwell Banker Lifestyles
Dutille’s Jewlery Design Studio
Estes & Gallup
EverGreen Capital Partners
Granite Air Center
Jake’s Market & Deli
ReArch Company
The Rowley Agency
Saxon Partners
Bar Harbor Bank & Trust
Britton Lumber Company
Claremont Savings Bank
Conneston Construction, Inc.
Domus, LLC
Evans Group, Inc.
Goss Logan Insurance
Jake’s Market & Deli
L&M Service Contractors
Mascoma Bank
Nathan Wechsler
One Court Street Associates
Omer & Bob’s
Retail Control Systems, Inc.

Institutional Donors

The Barrette Family Fund
The Couch Family Foundation
The Jack and Dorothy Byrne Foundation
Jane’s Trust Foundation
Lebanon Opera House Improvement Corporation
Lebanon Rotary Club
Mascoma Bank Foundation
Mockingbird Foundation
NH Community Development Finance Authority
Timken Foundation
T-Mobile Hometown Grant

Individual Donors

Christopher and Kathy Adams
Peter Hoyle Armstrong
Terry and Patricia Baxter
Martha and Jim Beattie
Mark and Teresa Binkley
Ruth and Peter Bleyler
Guy Patenaude and Cynthia Boehm-Patenaude
Barbara Brown
Chip and Jennifer Brown
Sharon and Matt Brown
Martin and Jill Butler
George and Michelle Caccavaro
Nan and John Carroll
Nanci and Albert Cirone
Kamron and Joe Clifford
Paul and Kristen Coats
Chad Etting and Heidi Conner
Brian Cook
Keri and Kinson Craft
Tom and Judy Csatari
Mike Davidson
April Sanborn and Steve Decato
Martha Diebold
Robert and Ellen Dijkman Dulkes
Tommy Reidy and Bill Dunn
Bobbi Gross and Phil Dunwoody
Dianne and Mark Estes
Nick and Kim Estes
Isabelle Farmer
Matthew Olzmann and Vievee Francis
Laura Jean and Olivier Gilloux
Karen Gollegly
Tom and Margaret Greene
Ann and Rick Greenwald
Clark and Happy Griffiths
The Roberts Hafner Family
Nancy Forsythe Harrington and Paul Harrington
Karen Harris and Rob Gurwitt
Phil and Kate Harrison
Patrick Hayes and Ann Hayes
Bob and Brenda Haynes
Kate and Dave Hewitt
Lindsay MacIndoe and Wendy Holding
Linda and Ike Jacobs
Joe’s Book Club
Sara and Star Johnson
Kristen Rookey and Jermey Kehoe
Kevin and Punam Keller
Maureen and Eric Krauland
Susan and Mark Krauland
Brian and Irene Lally
James and Laura Larrick
Kathy Kirkland and Steve Leach
Mimi and Jason Lichtenstein
Dominique and George Lightbody
Cathy Schneider and Matthew Locker
Grant and Anne MacEwan
David Malenka and Ann Munves Malenka
Laurie Harding and Peter Mason
Mary Ann and Frank Mastro
Lisa Matthews
Wilkes and Debra McClave
Jock and Rose McCullough
Dan and Kristin McGee
Peter J. McLaughlin and Jane Kitchel McLaughlin
Richard and Neely McNulty
Rob and Nini Meyer
Will Milne
Christine Morin
Renee Ouellette and Eric Morin
Patricia Morse
Robert and Shelly Moses
Jennifer Moyer
Peter and Ellen Mulvihill
Cappy and Mark Nunlist
Ted Hilles and Jane Osgood
Williams and Nelly Palmer
Jennifer and Jonathan Paul
Terry Spahr and Sara Perine
Philip Pierce
Allison and Zach Pollard
Robert and Sharon Racusin
Amanda Rafuse
Sylvia Richards
Law Office of Margaret A. Jacobs & Kerry A. Rigas
Matt and Margaret Rightmire
Martha and Dana Robes
David and Barbara Roby
Rick and Linda Roesch
Dan and Lisa Rowell
Jay and Colleen Rozzi
John and Jill Schiffman
Bess and Paul Schmidt
Jonathan and Deborah Scott
J.B. Sellers
Nancie and Mark Severs
Lori and Michael Shipulski
Michael Skinner
Laura and Terry Smith
Elizabeth Steele
Bayne and Jeanie Stevenson
Clint and Bonnie Swift
Theresa and Duane Tabor
Tracey Tanny
Steve Taylor
Mary Thibideau
Upper Valley Arts Alliance
Jodi Picoult and Timothy van Leer
Liz Verney
Cathy and Peter Volanakis
Laura Rice and Mike Wagner
Ann Gormley and Richard Wallace
Jennifer and Stan Williams
Bruce and Wendy Williamson

*Donor list includes commitments as of December 31, 2024

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