Thursday, March 27-Saturday, March 29


This is a general admission show. Tickets by donation (suggested $5-10 per person) and available at the door. Cash and check accepted.

After returning from Neverland, Wendy navigates growing up in the midst of her heartbreak over Peter Pan. In this coming-of-age tale, Wendy must explore what she will carry with her into adulthood and what she will leave behind. Along the way, she discovers that she is not as alone as she originally thought. A story about first love and loss, Lost Girl by Kimberly Bellflower continues the story of J.M. Barrie’s “girl who had to grow up.”

Featuring Ellie Clark, Meghanne Cheevers, Seth Danen-Lucier, Sloan Gailey, Gabriel Herring, Milo Kulo, Iris LaBonte, Max Loveland, Uliana Lymar, Lauren Maloney, Helena Mielcarz, Dorothy Sears, Kaisa Sentman, Sam Smith, Charli Swan, Abigail Tremblay, and Lydia Williams. Directed by Julianne Borger.