Thursday, March 14, 2019
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Three beloved stories by award-winning children’s book illustrator and author Eric Carle leap from the page to the stage through the magic of black light and fanciful puppets. The Very Hungry Caterpillar eats his way through a variety of foods on his path to becoming a beautiful butterfly. High up in the sky, Little Cloud playfully transforms himself into various creatures. The Mixed-Up Chameleon emulates the beautiful animals he sees at the zoo.
About Mermaid Theatre of Nova Scotia
Each year Mermaid Theatre presents more than 400 performances for 200,000 spectators – many of them new to the theater experience. Mermaid regularly crosses Canada and the US, and has represented Canada in more than a dozen countries. The company’s choice of material is based on the belief that young people can benefit substantially–both in their emotional and aesthetic development–from early exposure to literature, the arts, and the power of imagination.