“When the opportunity came to honor someone with a seat, Ken was a natural choice.”

Donor: Cappy and Mark Nunlist in Lebanon, New Hampshire
Seat Number: U102
Plaque Inscription:
In honor of
Ken Munsey
Cappy, Mark, and Kim Nunlist

Cappy Nunlist was a member of the LOH board during the last renovation (over 25 years ago), and says, “I was excited to be involved!” Cappy and her husband, Mark, have frequented many LOH performances over the years and particularly enjoyed watching their daughter, Kimberly, discover her own love of the arts. From dancing in City Center Ballet’s production of The Nutcracker to NCCT performances, Kimberly is one of many Upper Valley kids who grew up on the LOH stage. Then, in highschool, Kimberly became more interested in what was going on backstage. Enter Ken Munsey. He became Kimberly’s mentor and introduced her to the magic of lighting and sound design. “She was always grateful to Ken for introducing her, and many others, to the fascinating world behind the stage at LOH.”

That’s why Cappy and Mark chose to adopt seat U102 in honor of Ken Munsey and engrave a plaque that tells their LOH@100 Seat Story. Thank you, Cappy!

Every Seat Tells a Story
Here’s Your Chance to Share It

Now that LOH has been fully renovated, one last step remains:
Putting your name and message on your very own seat plaque.

Sponsor a seat today and your tax-deductible gift will be matched by The Barrette Family Fund, which has pledged a $200,000 matching gift if we raise the same amount via crowdfunding.

Act now, before it’s standing room only.
Tell My Seat Story